Baru je berape bulan msk blaja. And im turning to Part 2 next semester. Woot woot.Senior habis! Hahaha. My life kinda chaotic right now. Still dunno how to cope with student's life,university life. :) Maybe pas dah jd senior ni,okay kot. Hahaha. No la,sorry sy sengal ubi skrg. Special thanks to him. <3
Ermm. Dunno la. I kinda miss the old me. Muke ku zaman muda2,rambut ku yg pnjg,kawan2 (its not like they're gone but i missed the old them),my happy family. :P. U know en,everybody changing kan. Lagi2 sume dah masuk blaja,U dorg xblh lagi jauh plak (
UiTM SDYNEY,S'WAK). Hahaha. And Matrix2 jgak la. Oh,forgot to mention. Im stdying
MASSCOMM at UiTM LONDON. Alor Gajah je pon. Xde la jauh sgt. Hehehe
The new me,shorter hair obviously |
My life back at campus,biase2 je. Im living a really2 low profile life. Sometimes rase mcm budak KL yg kampung punye. Hahaha. Entah la,mls gler nk berlawa2. Whats the point? Dtg nak blaja je pon kan. Unless ade special occasion jela kot. Hehehe. Anyway,i love my roomates,levelmate,collegemate,classmate,date partner,bro and sis,each one of them.
My 1st impression of my roomate,macam harem! Hahaha. Sumpah time tu dah cuak dah,dpt roomate due2 bertudung. Memang igt aku xkan hidup la dgn dorg. But then it turns out that dorg pon gile2 mcm diriku ini. So alhamdulillah la dpt dorg as my roomate. Lupe plak,my roomate sorg je pakai tudung. The other one pakai time MDS je. Same je cam aku. Hahahaha. I love them both,Dianah Hanim and Nur Al-Farthityah.
Eika,Me,Kak Aida and Dianah <3 |
There they are. And my dearest levelmate also. :P But then Fatin's xde plak. Mane jela aku nk cekau gmbr die. Hahaha.
Continue to my story yea. My classmate plak? Pagi2 mase masuk 1st class. Sume muke mcm nk bergaduh pon ade. Hahaha. Cannot go ah. The best classmate i ever had. Maklumlah,bkn masscommers la kan kalau xhavoc? Hehehe. We mixed around quite well although ade a bit crisis,but who doesnt have crisis ka? (ape aku merepek ni). However, I never thought i will misss them soo much. Cuti sem ni,talak tau mau bikin apa.
Mau kilija tp itu kilija masih tidak dicali. Hahaha. Ahh,dah la tu kot. Ntah pape aku ngarot dah. ;P
DMC1A formal photos. Haha |
DMC1A gone wild~~ |
Okay,thats it for now. Much love. XOXO